I Thought It Was Punny…

Ruthie, the family’s eldest sister, sat in a corner of Rutvi’s room, clothed in layers of sweaters and vests, swaddled in a blanket drinking hot cocoa and reading a book.

She was enjoying the solitude of a chilly Saturday morning.

Yes, I emphasized was. She was enjoying… until Saige came along.

The redhead took one look at her sister’s outfit, shrieked,

covered her eyes,

and collapsed on the floor.

Ruthie bent over her, trying to figure out what had happened.

Finally Saige sat up, and Ruthie sighed in relief. “Saige! Are you ok?”
“You nearly gave me a heart attack, but yes.” She replied.
“What? Why?”
Saige shuddered. “Your…your outfit! It’s hideous! Those pants look like they’re from the 1700s!”
Ruthie crossed her arms over her chest. “It’s cold.”
Brooke plonked herself right next to her sisters. “I heard some commotion. What was that about?” Saige explained the situation. Brooke rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m related to you-you’re both so dramatic. Honestly, Ruthie, Saige faints all the time.” Ruthie giggled then shook her head.
Brooke whispered something into Saige’s ear. “I think we both know the solution to this,” she continued after a while. “A makeover! We’ll get Ruthie in a cozy but cute outfit, all right?”
Then it was Ruthie’s turn to roll her eyes. ” You have got to be kitten me.” She said. As if on cue, Praline stalked into the room.
Suddenly, Rutvi picked up Pinkyfuzz the Monkey and tossed her at Ruthie.  
“Quit monkeying around!” She yelled.
But they couldn’t. Ruthie’s sisters watched as she  pulled her blanket around her again-

and started to read.
Without looking up, she said, “I really would, but my weekend’s all booked, ok?”
Brooke and Saige turned away, disheartened.

“It’s too bad that she has to bee so busy.” Saige commented. Brooke nodded.


“SAIGE! SAAAAAIGE! Do you know where my soccer ball is? I can’t find it!”
“No, but you can read my book if you’re bored! I think you’ll get a kick out of it!”
“Thanks…but even so, I wonder where it is…”
Brooke murmured. “Hey, I can look under my bed, where the rest of the Things Not Seen must be!” Brooke exclaimed, tucking her own book under her arm.
Saige answered, “Okay, hopefully you get Lucky & find it!”
“Thanks!”Brooke smiled, sprinting to her room.
“What are Sisters for?”

Ruthie walked into the living room, dragging Blossom the Bear behind her. “I’m so beary hungry.” She complained.
Brooke laughed. “I’d think you’d be, after all that reading. Orange you glad I made cookies?”Ruthie pumped her fist and went away to find them.

Saige rode in on Gingersnap, wheezing. “What’s wrong??” Brooke asked, alarmed. “I’m not feeling so good, and my voice is kind of horse. I thought riding Gingie might help.” Brooke replied, “Aww, okay. Hope you feel butter.” As she spread the very same stuff on her toast.
But suddenly…all the dolls looked up as Rutvi cleared her throat. In her hand, she held a fistful of grapes.

“You guys have made a bunch of corny puns today, and you’re not that grape at it.”
She griped. “Okay, we’ll stop now.” Saige coughed, holding back laughter. “Only if you post these pictures, though.” Rutvi relented, and walked away to find her computer. “Thanks for being so undersitting!” Brooke called. “Under…what?” “We would say understanding, but you’re sitting. Soooo…”
Rutvi shot a warning look at her dolls before continuing her post, but laughed inside all the same.

21 thoughts on “I Thought It Was Punny…

  1. I loved this so much Rutvi! It was so creative and adorable! I loved the first one, I’ll have to use it on my family, “I’m all booked for the weekend!”
    And I am so excited because yesterday I got an early Christmas present…
    I got Maryellen’s Fridge and food set!
    And oh my goodness Rutvi, you would DIE over all the food in it!
    Anyways, I loved this post, I laughed so hard, and I tried really hard to put a pun in this comment, but I sorta kinda failed. Adorable!

    Liked by 2 people

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